Editor's Note
2015年5月に創刊したSHUKYU Magazineですが、おかげさまで10号目を刊行することになりました。ここまで雑誌を支えてくださった多くの方々に感謝いたします。
SHUKYU Magazineでは、創刊から一貫してサッカーの文化的・社会的な側面を取り上げてきました。毎号テーマ自体は変わっていますが、改めて振り返ると、いつも少し先の「未来」を見ている方々に参加していただいてきた気がします。なので、このタイミングで未来をテーマにしたのも、自然な流れなのかもしれません。
Editor's Note
The first issue of SHUKYU Magazine was published in May 2015. Thanks to all of you, we have now published our tenth issue. We would like to thank everyone who has supported the magazine over the years.
The theme of this milestone issue is “The Future”. Two years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began. We continue to go about our lives wearing masks, while the world is rapidly changing. When you consider everything that has happened in the past two years, it is difficult to predict what the future holds, even just a year from now. In this issue, however, we try to look at the future of football.
SHUKYU Magazine has always focused on the cultural and social aspects of football. Each issue has been based on a different theme, but looking back I realise that SHUKYU has always sought contributions from people looking a little further into the future. It comes as no surprise that we have chosen the future as the theme of this issue.
In this issue we talk to people who believe in the power and potential of football within society, despite the astronomical rise in transfer fees and plans for a European super league — changes that symbolise modern capitalism.
As Arsene Wenger once said, "Pass should be future, not past, not present." It is up to us, the people with the ball, to decide how to pass it from the past to the future. The future is in our hands.
March 2022