2016年12月に刊行されたSHUKYU Magazine 3号目「IDENTITY ISSUE」で、ドミニク・チェンさんに寄稿していただいたテキストの特別掲載です。人種差別についてみなさんが考えるきっかけになると嬉しいです。
Text by Dominick Chen
Illustration by Summer House
当時バルセロナに所属していたダニエウ・アウベスに対してバナナが投げつけられた事件(2014年)、フランスの独立系新聞メディアパールが暴露したフランスサッカー協会幹部たちによる黒人とアラブ人を排斥しようとする議論(2011年)などがヨーロッパでは記憶に新しいが、Jリーグでも高校生がガンバ大阪のパトリックに対して差別的なツイートを投稿した問題や(2015年)、浦和レッズのサポーターが「JAPANESE ONLY」という横断幕を掲げてチームが無観客試合処分を受ける(2014年)といった問題が起きている。
There is perhaps no sport that brings together a diverse variety of talent from around the world into the same field than that of football. One wonders why then that within such context, racist behavior between supporters and players still continue to persist.
Incidents in Europe such as when Daniel Alves, who was a member of Barcelona at the time, had suffered a banana being thrown at him (2014), and the issue of when the French independent newspaper Mediapart reported a discussion between executives of the French Football Federation to exclude black and Arabic players (2011) are new to memory, yet in Japan’s J. League there have also been issues in which a high school student had posted a discriminatory tweet against Gamba Osaka’s Patric (2015), and the time when supporters of the Urawa Reds raised a banner that read “JAPANESE ONLY,” resulting in the team being punished by having to play in an empty stadium with no spectators (2014).
I would like to take this opportunity to again consider the concept of “race” as well as the very essence of “contest” within sports.
トレヴァー・ノアという南アフリカ出身のコメディアンが、アメリカだけでなく世界中で注目されている。アメリカのリベラルなチャンネルとして知られるコメディーセントラル局の名物番組「The Daily Show」の司会に、長年ホストを務めてきたジョン・スチュアートによって大抜擢されたノアは、サッカーの大ファンを公言している(たとえば、アメリカンフットボールの超詳細なデータに裏打ちされた実況のモノマネの後にヨーロッパのサッカー実況のアバウトさを真似するネタなんかは最高に笑ってしまう)。彼のスタンドアップ・コメディー(一人でステージに立つ欧米ではポピュラーな話芸の形式)の芸風として「人種」というテーマがある。
であるがゆえに、ノアは「The Daily Show」の番組の中で、ドナルド・トランプの言動のことごとくを笑いのネタに変え、時にはシリアスな口調でトランプの言説がいかに危険であるかを視聴者に説く。その中でトランプの支持者へのインタビューも織り交ぜていくのだが、周知の通り彼らのほとんどが人種差別主義的な言動をなんら恥じることなく展開する。
Racial issues seen through comedy
A South African comedian known as Trevor Noah is currently attracting much attention throughout the world. Noah had been selected to host “The Daily Show,” a successful program aired on the American television channel Comedy Central that is recognized for its liberal point of views. It is to note that a characteristic style of Noah’s stand-up comedy is the theme of “race.”
Noah was born to a Swiss (Caucasian) father and South African (black) mother in Johannesburg under the apartheid. Born with mixed-race ethnicity that at the time had been considered illegal, Noah had sublimated issues of race into materials for comedy rather than treating the subject in a traumatic way.
His various jokes that target different races are extremely well received by the liberal audience. One suspects that this is the case since Noah himself embodies the social image of racial intermixture that is much appreciated by the liberal demographic.
As such, within his program Noah altogether transforms the words and deeds of Donald Trump into subjects of laughter, and at times in a more serious tone articulates the dangers of Trump’s discourse to his viewers. Also interwoven amidst this context are interviews with Trump supporters, and as it is well known, most of them feel no shame in expressing their racially discriminatory opinions.
What I feel in observation of this is a sense of despair and grief that a large part of our world yet remains dominated by an outmoded consciousness of discriminating against race. It indeed suggests that this supposed American idealism that has continued to advocate the equality of race is nothing but a mere façade, and that it has now reached a point in which we must build an unaffected and sincere principle of equality beyond the shattered fragments of this pretense.
Problems born from ignorance
When thinking about the cause for this situation, there is simply no way to describe it other than “ignorance.”
I was born as a French citizen in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and a father of Taiwanese and Vietnamese ethnicity who had been naturalized as a French citizen, thus had found myself growing up in a racial melting pot. As someone who had grown up in such an environment, I cannot perceivably understand the concept of discriminating against one’s race. In this sense, I can sympathize with the way in which Noah relativizes all races and sublimates their differences into subjects of comedy. What is common to those who engage in discriminatory acts of speech and conduct, is the fact that they have never experienced living together with the people who’s race they are discriminating against. It could even be to the extent of simply living in the same city and communicating with one another frequently. By doing so, although cultural walls may indeed exist, people would realize that it is impossible to separate each of them in accordance to relative superiority.
Ignorance not only breeds fear, but also on its reverse initiates contempt. As a result of unreasonably judging the essence individuals through filters of racial and cultural stereotypes, unjustified shootings of people of black ethnicity by police officers remain a continuous issue within the United States, and even in Europe there is an increasing sense of oppression towards Middle Eastern immigrants.
Another significant problem that is born from ignorance is indifference. This is an indifference towards the history of the peoples and culture of the race in question, or in other words, is an indifference towards context.
For example, my homeland of France proclaims equality, humanity, and freedom as its national policy, yet although some aspects have been realized it is also a fact that society is still overwhelmingly infested with racial discrimination and notions of classism. In France the phenomenon has also been talked about where people had been rejected at job interviews for reasons of being Arab, regardless of how good of a university they have graduated from. Furthermore, the fact that many Arabic people are also Muslims, as well as various media coverage of Daesh related terrorist attacks in recent years has led to them increasingly prone to being socially labeled as religious fanatics. It is however impossible to understand why youths of Arabic descent who are born and raised in Europe are drawn to ideas of extremist fundamentalism, unless one is historically aware of such doings of the past government that had forcibly imported large numbers of immigrants through colonial wars.
It is also to be noted that such indifference that is born from ignorance is seen more often in rural areas rather than within urban areas. The contrast between London citizens who had selected their first Muslim mayor and the people in rural areas in support of the Brexit campaign indeed illustrates that there is a discrepancy in the image of reality surrounding foreigners, so much so, that it cannot be easily conciliated.
An instinct to differentiate between Friend and Enemy
With the worldwide dissemination of the Internet and the pervading accessibility of information, one wonders why ignorance to this extent still continues to be a prevalent issue. Perhaps technologies of virtual reality and artificial intelligence can be used to provide people with the virtual experience of living with others within a multi-racial context.
Nevertheless, I believe that there is possibly a more fundamental biological factor that exists beyond the very source of ignorance. It is indeed the instinct to distinguish between friend and enemy. One could say that this is derived from our defense mechanism in which our bodies’ immune system has the ability to distinguish harmful substances. The difference between our immune system and racial discrimination is that the former is grounded upon physical facts, whereas the latter is based on the dimension of information. There is of course, no physical or sociological evidence to state that a particular race can be a detrimental threat to another.
If that is the case, the reason why racists establish an “enemy” and proclaim them to be harmful existences to their “friends” can be attributed to being a psychological defense mechanism. Barely retaining one’s self-identity by means of establishing an enemy upon which to impute responsibility for one’s own feebleness and misfortunes, is a universal weakness inherent in human beings. This is also apparent from a historical perspective. Receiving the support of the masses in the event of a recession through discourses of ostracizing foreigners is a structure that has been continuously repeated until the present. And unfortunately, the seeds of such emotions can sprout forth from anyone. In order to overcome this civilized vulgarity, we must replace the methodology of “excluding the enemy” that has been deeply rooted within the history of humanity, with that of “subsuming one another’s differences.”
The idea of “competing”
The reason for the persistence of racial discrimination in the world of football is no doubt a social issue, however it is also a fact that institutions such as the World Cup and the Olympics that divides friend and enemy based on country of origin is that which has unconsciously contributed to such xenophobia. Furthermore if one explores this issue from a cultural context, this way of thinking that separates friend and enemy is also reliant on religious epistemology such as that of Christianity, which for long has continued to create sides of good and evil.
If this is the case, not only parties concerned with sports, but also media and educational institutions should more actively promote the epistemology of “competing” opponents as seen in martial arts, or in other words, as partners that serve to mutually enhance one another’s skills through competition, rather than merely differentiating friend and enemy.
Supporters throughout various areas should warmly receive the opposing team with the utmost “hospitality,” and respective associations should also encourage such behavior.
Even an act such as presenting a complimentary message towards the opposing team on the stadium’s large-screen vision, is something that if only slightly, can change the awareness of the supporters. Since within the ideology of “competing” in Japanese and Chinese martial arts the opponent is a presence that serves to best enhance one’s own skills, if one were to regard competitions as communication between players and teams in the form of a game, then as a result one’s level of skills would naturally improve as well as also increase in the number of fans of the sport.
Since ancient times, these kinds of values in particular, within the context of Japanese swordsmanship, have been referred to as “Katsujin ken”(life-saving sword). It is a way of thinking that considers it best to win through taking advantage of the skills of one’s opponent, and believes that there is no value in victory attained through “Satsujin ken” (killing sword), or in other words, through winning by suppressing another’s skills.
An example in recent literature that most beautifully illustrates this frontier is the competitive bout between Kojiro Sasaki and Kouun Igaya (note: a fictional character) in Takehiko Inoue’s “Vagabond.” It is a fierce depiction, conveying Igaya as he immerses himself in a battle against Kojiro, initially roused from seeking vengeance for his comrade who had been killed by Kojiro’s sword, further questioning himself for the reasons of their fighting as his feelings of hatred gradually retract, and ultimately meeting his death while trembling with joy in sensing his skills being polished with each and every move. Kojiro, who survives the battle, wails in grief at the loss of his competing partner. As far as I know, there is no other medium of representation that so whole-heartedly depicts the ideologies of Katsujin ken.
There is of course no need for us who live in the 21st century to actually wage competitive battles that can lead to death. One simply hopes for the skills of the players and teams that one support to be activated to the fullest, and in order to do so establish schemes to maximize the performance of the opponents. I believe that when such figure of the supporter becomes a dominant reality, one can say that football culture has indeed been updated to a version that is suitable for the 21st century.
※ 注:この原稿は2016年8月に執筆された
Note: this article was written in August 2016
1981年生まれ。博士(学際情報学)。特定非営利活動法人クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ジャパン理事。NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]研究員, 株式会社ディヴィデュアル共同創業者を経て、現在は早稲田大学文化構想学部准教授。一貫してテクノロジーと人間の関係性を研究している。近著に『未来をつくる言葉―わかりあえなさをつなぐために』(新潮社)がある。その他の著書として、『謎床―思考が発酵する編集術』(晶文社)、『フリーカルチャーをつくるためのガイドブック―クリエイティブ・コモンズによる創造の循環』(フィルムアート社)など多数。監訳書に『ウェルビーイングの設計論―人がよりよく生きるための情報技術』(BNN新社)など。